Higher Brain Living®: Introduction

Date: Tuesday, July 22

Time: 7:00 to 8:30 p.m.

Cost: Love Offering (UCOH Fundraiser)

Join advanced Higher Brain Living® Licensed Facilitators and UCOH members, Sandra Vela and Stacey Lemire, who will present this introductory session. Learn about this revolutionary, proven system that creates a surge of energy to the most highly-evolved part of our brain where all high-end human potential lies. You’ll receive a special $90 offer for two sample sessions. Free CEU credits available for massage therapists, too!            Higher Brain Living® is a revolutionary gentle-touch technique and system that creates a surge of energy into the prefrontal cortex loosening the grip of our primal ‘survival’ brain. With this shift of energy in the brain, clients find they can more easily begin to change habits and beliefs that have held them hostage. They report less stress, weight loss, greater clarity more happiness, connection and joy. From this new self-empowered vantage point, and with the facilitated guidance of a mapping system, clients can make real, sustainable, life changes and begin to live their authentic life. The key to this authentic life lies in fully energizing the untapped higher brain and providing a path and a map for a new consciousness and culture to emerge. It is now possible for us to directly participate in our own evolutionary unfolding and become the architects of a new age of transformation. This new participation creates a life of purpose and meaning as we usher in a world with more care, compassion, and consciousness. For Massage Therapists, one hour CEU credit is available for free. For more information about the upcoming $90 offer that includes two sample sessions, contact Sandra at 956-351-0825.

Tuesday, July 22—1:00 to 2:30 p.m. —Love Offering (UCOH Fundraiser) or

UncategorizedHigher Brain Living®: Introduction, July 22