This class will use the book “In the Flow of Life” by Eric Butterworth. This class will inspire the student to live a life of peace and harmony through living in the flow of God’s goodness. The student will examine current beliefs and gain an expanded perspective of life lived “in the flow”. Life transforming principles will be discussed and practiced in this 5 week experiential class. Getting into the flow of life allows the student to live life from “within-out” and find guidance for every need.

The student will challenge their fixed beliefs about God, awaken their awareness of how spirit flows through them, excite their mind with helpful insights, and become conscious of the flow of the creative process.

It is being taught by Anita Farrell, Licensed Unity Teacher candidate. September 22, 29, October 6,13, and 20. 7PM- 9PM.

Love offering.

The book may be purchased in the bookstore.

UncategorizedIn the Flow of Life, Sept. 22