Quantum Healing Hypnosis

Monday, March 30, 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. blue-register
Cost: $15
Learn about the different types of hypnoses and what benefits individuals derive from guided hypnosis and self-hypnosis. Silence fear, frustration, doubts and negativity by creating a new path of purpose through self-discovery during hypnosis.

Experience the next-level of hypnosis called Quantum Hypnosis, which allows oneself to connect with one’s Higher Self to connect with the guidance of the Christ Consciousness. The benefits are endless: discover one’s purpose, improve relationships, clarify career choices, reduce pain, grief relief, reduce stress, and more. Register in advance at www.unityhills.org for the price discount.
Learn more about Lynne Benton at quantumhealinghypnosis-houston.com.

UncategorizedQuantum Healing Hypnosis, March 30