Dissolving Your Fear Ritual Experience

Beginning on Sunday, September 6th after the 11:25am Service, we’ll have a special ritual station set up just outside our chapel doors. Your invited to come by the campus at your convenience to participate in a unique “Dissolving Your Fear Ritual,” similar in intention to the Burning Bowl ceremony featured every New Year’s Eve.  

This special ritual allows you the in-person opportunity to write down any fears or blocks to your faith on special paper that you will then place in a ceremonial water bowl to dissolve immediately away. After completing that ritual release, you are invited to take home with you a special stone, as a touchstone reminder to you of your intention to release any fears or blocks you have named. With your special touchstone to faith in hand, you are then invited to experience your own personal God-walk in UCOH’s sacred labyrinth, or anywhere on our sacred grounds that speaks to your heart.  

The “Dissolving Your Fear” ritual station is available from Sunday, September 6th through the World Day of Prayer Service on Thursday, September 10th at 7pm.  

Virtual Release Ritual Available

If you cannot make it to UCOH’s campus, and would still like to participate in the dissolving fear ritual, email  communications@unityhills.org. Put World Day of Prayer in the subject line and then in the body of the email, lay claim to that which you would like to release. Digitally submitted fears will be released altogether during our special live service on Thursday evening at 7pm. 

AnnouncementsDissolving Your Fear Ritual Experience