What does a life that is based on Unity’s Five Principles look like? Glad you asked!

First, let’s take a look at the principles:

  1. There is only One Power and One Presence in the Universe and in my life, God the Good, Omnipotent.
  2. We are Spiritual Beings created in God’s Image. The Spirit of God lives within each person; therefore, all people are inherently good.
  3. We create our life experiences through our thoughts and feelings.
  4. There is Divine Power in meditation and affirmative prayer which increases our awareness of our oneness with God.
  5. Knowing and understanding these Spiritual Principles, also called Truth, is not enough. We must live them.

Beginning with the premise that God is everywhere present, we know that it is impossible to be apart from God. It is impossible to be separate from our divine nature. There is no place where God is not.

Then we align with the awareness that as God beings, we contain a spark of the Divine within ourselves. We are inherently children of God, beings of greatness and in who lives the essence of our Christ nature, our true selves. This is our divine birthright. There are no exceptions.

Whenever we realize that we are fully aligned with Spirit, our lives take on a deeper resonance. Transformation occurs as we move from being at the mercy of the external to being in alignment with creation. We come to understand that we are co-creators with the Divine.  The more we awaken to our Divine nature, the more fully God expresses in and through our lives.

Through the power of affirmation and conscious connection with God through prayer and meditation, we receive direction in our lives. We are always divinely guided.

Then it is up to us to take the action to live these truths as we know them and co-create the lives we want to have with the Lord God of our being.

And so it is.

How do these principles show up in your daily life? Do you find one of them to be more challenging than the others? If so, which ones and how can you creatively move through the challenge?

BlogLiving Unity Principles