There is One God, One All Knowing, All-Present Power that is the Defining Presence in All Life. This Presence Permeates and Embraces All of Life.

I know that I am one with this One Life and I am connected Now and Forever with this Spirit that is God, is Life, is the One Power of all things. I am One with God and speak my word now for healing and wholeness.

From this connection I know right now a Healing Presence that permeates, influences, Inspires and Operates through all Medical Staff, All Doctors and all those working on the healing, the cure, the vaccines and the techniques that heal all the effects from the COVID-19 virus that has impacted humankind across our planet. I know a peace, a relief and a celebration of humankind that comes from the release of this burden on our health and well-being.

And so I give thanks for this realization of truth, knowing fully that it is given to the healing power of God. I celebrate in knowing this prayer is complete.

So I release these words to the power greater than I am that knows this truth and so much more. To the Power that sees this healing and through it’s power has already made it so. So I release this prayer knowing it is already done in the mind and experience of God.

It is through that Christ Spirit that lives in me and all people that I know this prayer has already been answered. And so it is Amen.

PrayerPrayer for Healing of COVID-19