Q & A: Healing from Old Trauma with Rev. Brian

Q: (paraphrased) “Dr. Hawkins seems to suggest someone with a high level of consciousness is able to feel peace and safety while standing in the presence of a past perpetrator. How is that possible when our brain chemistry triggers into fight, flight or freeze responses?”

A: I am no expert on PTSD. My advice for someone that has survived traumatic events and has PTSD is to seek professional help. I’ve heard excellent results and healing from patients of EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) therapy.

I do not ever condone cuddling a rattlesnake. I’ve been told that a true psychopath has no capacity for remorse and cannot be rehabilitated back into society. They have a defect in the functioning of their brain chemistry. Likewise, I do not recommend physically sitting in front of one’s “perpetrator.”

I can share from personal experience the effectiveness of Dr. Hawkins’ advice regarding desensitizing your limbic system so that you won’t get emotionally hijacked when a triggering event occurs. “If you want to disappear something, be with it. If it is “worry” you want to let go of, you’re not worrying enough! I want you to worry more! When you think the pain is too much – ask the Holy Spirit for more pain! Eventually, maybe a day or so, the pain will run out.” ~ Hawkins

By moving into a triggering event in my imagination (which I have practiced many times) I immediately feel my heart rate increase and the adrenaline pump through my veins. My palms begin to sweat and my breathing increases. I would sit in meditation replaying the event in my mind for hours. Eventually, it no longer triggers my adrenal system and I feel free. In time, compassion for the other person emerges as their actions are perceived to be motivated out of naiveté, based on their zip code of consciousness. Like Jesus said, “Forgive them for they don’t know what they do.”

I think the most powerful healing agent we as humans can employ is love. Pure love is a quality of God. It is the nature of God that wants nothing in return, only to see the Highest Good for all life.

Dr. Hawkins speaks to the power of love in this video:

Peace, Rev. Brian

Q & AQ & A: Healing from Old Trauma