On Sunday, Dr. Ras Smith provided a number of great quotes as well as affirmations we can work with around the topic of Forgiveness. Here they are:


Eric Butterworth wrote: “Imelda Shanklin, one of Unity’s great teachers…says in effect, ‘Father forgive me for expecting in the human that which is found only in the divine.’ Note, ‘forgive me.’ In other words, I have sinned by expecting in the human of another person something that can be found only in the Christ within the individual.”

Byron Katie: “Forgiveness is just another name for freedom.”

Nelson Mandela (after being in prison for 27 years): “As I walked out the door toward my freedom, I knew if I did not leave all the anger, hatred and bitterness behind, I would still be in prison.”

Mahatma Ghandi: “The weak cannot forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.”

Rosemary Fillmore Rhea (an ordained Unity minister, and granddaughter of Charles and Myrtle Fillmore):“As we awaken to & become conscious of our divine nature, we can FORGIVE that child in us who acted from a consciousness of fear & ignorance.” 

Affirmations (from Rev. Rosemary Fillmore Rhea):

  • The forgiving love of Jesus Christ flows through my mind and heart, and I am free.
  • I am aware of the presence of love within me, healing and restoring my soul.
  • I let go of any feelings of anger, resentment, or hurt.
  • I am a spiritual being on a spiritual journey, and no person or experience can keep my good from me. I release you to God, and I bless you on your way.
  • I forgive you as I am forgiven. When we meet again, it will be in the spirit of love. Thank You God, that this has come to pass.  

If you missed Dr. Ras’ message, re-watching it here. We also highly recommend you watch the Going Deeper at the end of the Service as we had some great questions around forgiveness and Dr. Ras ends with a powerful healing prayer for our nation and world.

BlogQuotes and Affirmations for July 26 talk on Forgiveness