Dez King

Facilities Manager

Facilities Management, at UCOH, is all about providing the foundation for a space that is safe and sustainable for people to come together where they spiritually evolve, transform, and awaken new levels of consciousness. It is my honor to mindfully restore and maintain a beautiful campus so that it manifests a welcoming presence for many years to come.

Mission Statement: Approach every human being with authenticity & integrity.

Gratitude: For the ability to experience life in a constant state of curiosity. Being a witness to how the Universe continues to refine the Being that I am.

Passionate About: Authentic individuality with NO apologies. Intentional conscious evolution of Self.

Favorite Quotes:

“The surest way to lose your soul is to believe in a God outside yourself.” -Carl Jung

“To remain suspended in the ‘I don’t know’ is perhaps the most challenging yet, humbling gift to oneself.” – Dez King


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