An experiential healing journey guided by Nature. 

Visit the Grief Healing Mandala in the foyer after service. This Mandala is a Nature-based healing offering that represents the transformation of our grief and holds our losses sacred. 

You are encouraged to bring items from Nature that represent an element of your grief, brings forward a memory of a loved one who has transitioned, or represents a non-death loss, such as: unrealized Self, divorce/separation, job loss, socioeconomic loss, or health loss. 

Items will be available each week in the foyer should you not find something from Nature that speaks to you. Anaiya will be at the Mandala to answer any questions and hold sacred space. This experiential healing will be available to the community until September 23rd.

Why Nature? Nature is a wise teacher and experiences loss on a daily basis. Leaves that release to the Earth, flowers that release from their stems, sunsets, sunrises, to name a few. As we witness this cycle, we see that each loss is a transformation. Leaves become warmth. Flowers become herbal teas. Sunrises become sunsets that give way to a moonrise. Purpose remains. 

Our losses are a part of this Universal rhythm. What is released transforms. Our love may transmute into sadness. Our sadness into a light-hearted memory of a loved one. Our denial into acceptance. Tears that cry water the garden of the Soul. Purpose remains. 

Offering something to the Mandala, from Nature, that has already been released (leaf, flower) gives the Nature loss new meaning. It now represents our grief / loss. When we release our Mandala back to the Earth, it gives our loss new meaning and permission to transform. A new relationship begins. Purpose remains. 

HealingInteractive Grief Mandala