Joined by Musical Team "Celebration," Rev. Brian Grandon brings us into the second of his Spiritual "Fab Four," Contemplation. Even in our busy lives, we can contemplate that which is aching to express Itself in us.
Joined by Musical Team "Celebration," Rev. Brian Grandon brings us into the second of his Spiritual "Fab Four," Contemplation. Even in our busy lives, we can contemplate that which is aching to express Itself in us.
Joined by Musical Team "Celebration," Rev. Brian Grandon brings us into the second of his Spiritual "Fab Four," Contemplation. Even in our busy lives, we can contemplate that which is aching to express Itself in us.
Joined by Musical Team "Celebration," Rev. Brian Grandon brings us into the second of his Spiritual "Fab Four," Contemplation. Even in our busy lives, we can contemplate that which is aching to express Itself in us.