Say Goodbye to PTSD/MST – Oct. 6

Date: Sunday, October 6 Time: 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Cost: Free for Veterans Veterans, say goodbye to post-traumatic stress and to trauma caused by sexual harassment while in service in the Military. Learn how to heal those levels of distress. The method of choice has been...

Women’s Health, Part 4: Foot Health Oct 5

Women’s Health, Part 4:  Foot Health Cost: $30 Suggested Love Offering Register Online Please bring pen and note paper to make notes, wear comfortable clothing, and bring a bottle of water. The facilitator, Beth Carpenter, will tackle the subject of Foot Health....

Dance Under the October Moon – Oct. 4

Date: Friday October 4, 2013 Time: 7:30 to 10:30 p.m.  Cost: $10  Purchase your tickets here Join in for fun-filled evening starting at 7:30 p.m. Stewart Yaros, Dance International’s instructor, will provide free dance lessons until 8:00 p.m. DJ, Michael Bond, will...
Month: September 2013