Sacred Elders Luncheon – Feb 18

February Sacred Elders Luncheon Calling all Sacred Elders! You are in for a real treat at the monthly luncheon on February 18. The guest speakers are none other than Belinda Lightheart, LUT, and Kelly & Martin Dowman, all of whom just returned from a trip to South...

Your Spiritual Remote – February 2

Dear Friends, What if you possessed a kind of Universal “Spiritual” Remote, one that could, properly used, allow you to “surf” through your life with more ease and grace? Perhaps we do have such a thing. It could be a place in our minds where we, for example, hit the...

The Quest – February 2, 2014

The Quest Class is held from 10:40 to 11:15 between the 9:30 and 11:30 Services in the Chapel each Sunday. Each lesson is a stand-alone class so you may begin taking the class anytime. This weeks lesson: Jesus Do you know the difference between Jesus and Christ? ...

Choir Rehearsal Cancelled Tonight

Fun choir members: Due to weather and the fact that I’m getting over “the bug” that’s going around, we will not have choir tonight. IF you happen to be going by the church, there will be CD’s for you to pick up. Otherwise, stop by the...
Month: January 2014