Financial Update from Board of Trustees – October 30, 2020

Dear Beloved UCOH Congregant,

To communicate clearly regarding our financial situation at Unity Church of the Hills, we are sending you this letter to inform you that the shortfall in giving is continuing. In order to operate as we have in the past, gifts and tithes need to be at the level of $25,000 per week.  We are currently averaging $10,500 per week.

Even before the pandemic, there were congregants who had slowed or stopped their giving, taking a “wait and see” attitude until we found our next senior minister. The pandemic—and subsequent move to virtual services—has dramatically impacted our financial health. Over these past months, the Board of Trustees and staff have been proactively taking steps to reduce expenditures to offset this decline in giving so that we can maintain continuity of staff and spiritual programming. We continue to work with our CFO/COO Ron Scherwin to identify additional steps we can and must take.

Without a significant increase in giving some of the measures that may need to be employed include:

  • Eliminating some of our programs and services
  • Taking on additional debt with a new loan
  • Discontinuing some worship services
  • Reduction of staff

Your church home needs you NOW more than ever! While we seek to operate from love, not fear, the current reality is that we must act swiftly in order to keep UCOH thriving as a church community.

That is why we are asking for your support. There are a number of ways that you can participate as the generosity of God is made manifest:

  • Make a one-time love offering: or by texting UCOH to 77977
  • Increase your automated giving by a certain dollar amount or percentage. You can set up or update your automated giving at or by texting UCOH to 77977
  • If you have reduced or delayed your giving as a result of the lack of a senior minister or the pandemic, we ask that you prayerfully consider reinstituting your giving at this time.

In addition, we ask that you…

  • Affirm Abundance. As you hold Unity Church of the Hills in your prayers and thoughts, do so from the awareness that all that we need is already supplied in Consciousness. Visualize our community thriving and connected.
  • Join us virtually or on the Pavilion for Sunday Services. We know that screen/technology fatigue is real and we know that there are numerous other options to choose from on Sunday mornings. We are asking you to choose your spiritual home.
  • Volunteer. Shawnda Birch has numerous ways that you can get involved, virtually or in person. Contact her at

At our Congregational Meeting on Sunday, November 8, 2020 at 1:00 p.m., you will hear a more in-depth discussion around our 2020 fiscal year finances. We will also be talking about steps forward. Please make plans to attend the meeting via Zoom.  Here’s the link:

We continue to affirm that “With God, all things are possible.” We know that Spirit, working through you, will help us find our way to a greater tomorrow and claim the abundance of the universe.


Your Board of Trustees

News & AnnouncementsBoard UpdatesFinancial Update from Board of Trustees – October 30, 2020