How to Read the Akashic Records

Date: Thursdays, October 17 thru November 7
Time: 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.
Cost: Love Offering (UCOH Fundraiser) Register online

The Akashic Records are the cosmic recordation and library of every experience of every soul throughout all time. It was once the belief that only the “special ones,” such as Edgar Cayce (of most recent times), were able to access the Akashic Records. Now in this era of the Shift of Consciousness, this ability has been opened to everyone. The human journey is fraught with patterns, relationships and situations in our lives which we just do not understand or have not been able to resolve. Being able to access our own Records enables us to begin to explore the origin of each challenge, and in that understanding and healing of those sacred wounds, we are able to heal and begin to live a life from the soul level, rather than the ego; to see the bigger picture, rather than having tunnel vision. We have heard it said, “To know your Self is to know God,” and also that “Not everything is as it seems.” Let’s begin that journey together in this book study. Two chapters will be covered in each of the four sessions, and the first two chapters should be read prior to the first class. This book study, based on the book by the same name, will be facilitated by Sonja Langley, who has studied personally with the author of the book, Linda Howe, to become certified as a Teacher and Practitioner of the Akashic Records. The book, How to Read the Akashic Records, is available in the Bookstore.
Thursdays, October 17 thru November 7 – 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. – Love Offering

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