EgoMaps Workshop

Saturday, April 25—9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Sunday, April 26—2:00 to 5:00 p.m.

Follow up evening, Wednesday April 29, 2015 7 pm – 9 pm

Cost $150 advanced registration/ $175 at the Door


In this highly original workshop designed and taught by Sterling Fairchild, participants are lead through a series of exercises to create one of the most important and practical schematics they will ever see — Their Unique Ego Parts + Their Unique Higher Self on one piece of paper!

This practical document is used to develop “emotional agility,” and can stop limiting beliefs in their tracks, instantly improve relationships, heal one’s body, and expedite decision-making in daily life. “…a must-have in one’s Personal Evolution Tool Kit…”

Ever wish you could stop your limiting beliefs in their tracks? Use your custom “EgoMap” to further develop your inherent emotional agility. Learn the practice of quickly stepping from a less-than-optimal part of your “Map” to a more optimal part.

Ever wish you could improve a relationship instantly? Create “EgoMaps” for the most important people in your life. See the problems become crystal clear and the solution right in front of you.

Ever wonder how to heal your body without drama? If God creates you perfectly each moment, then what the …bleep… is a “medical issue”? Learn “where” your perfect body is and how to give direction to every cell from there.

Ever have trouble making important decisions? Consult with each section of your “EgoMap” see what “it’s” vote is and why. Then make your decision based in the more optimal parts.

Spend a weekend and create the most important document you will ever see: Your Unique Ego Structure + Your Unique Higher Self displayed on a single sheet of paper!

Rev. Sterling G. Fairchild is a long-time veteran of independent field research focused on expanded communication and relationship dynamics. A 30-year teacher/ student of A Course In Miracles and the founder of EmpathyInternational, she has mentored hundreds of students and taught workshops around the world.

Contact for details or questions.

UncategorizedEgoMaps Workshop – April 25 & 26, 2015