The registration for the 2013 Women’s Retreat is full! If you would like to be added to the waiting list, please sign up here.

Join with the Unity women for the 2013 Women’s Retreat as we step out on our spiritual journey, making connections, sharing, and having fun in a new, wonderful venue. In small groups, we will explore The Story of Ruth: Twelve Moments in Every Woman’s Life, a book by Joan Chittister.

Our speakers and facilitators are part of our beautiful spiritual community:  Mary Bolen, LUT, Rev. Donna Loflin, Kimberly Maeder, Julie McLindon, Rev. Eileen Ramsey, Maura Rehfuss, Hope Ruppanner, Rima Star, Rita Williamson and more!

September 20 – 22, 2013

The Retreat price includes accommodations for two nights, five meals and activities $210 per person.  Payment in full due by September 8, 2013

T Bar M Resort is about 1-1/4 hours from the Church, in the beautiful Texas countryside.
There will be plenty of free time for you to relax, and enjoy the pool, hot tub, nature walks, yoga, meditations, singing, dancing, making new friends and having fun.

Register for the waiting list online

To receive S.E.E. credit for this retreat.

Please bring a check or cash in the amount of $36.00 to the registration desk at the retreat to sign up for credit.

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Unity Church of the Hills 2013 Women's Retreat September 20 - 22, 2013

Uncategorized2013 Women’s Retreat Compassionate Women: Living Sacred Moments