I remember a sermon I heard 30 years ago from my Religious Science minister, it was entitled: Saint-Makers.  Saint-Makers are those people in your life, that if you were to NOT react to all the cr%) they throw your way, you would indeed be elevated to the status of Saint while still living and an angel choir would be permanently positioned around you singing your praises for all to hear.  I can’t remember exactly what she said about Saint-Makers, but I have been very grateful over the years to have the term stuck in my head so I can recognize one when I see them.

I have had lots of Saint-Makers in my life, in classes, at work, other women in the neighborhood, they are EVERYWHERE!  Just the sight of them made me want to turn around and run away.  I had too much to do to deal with THAT today!  Then Unity Principle Number 3 reared its ugly little head and reminded me “I create my life by how I choose to think, feel and believe.”  Really!  REALLY!  I am creating this?

Well, yes I was.

I was choosing to react to whatever was said or done.  I was choosing to feel annoyed. I was choosing to believe this person was awful because of this, this and this! I had every right!  Sigh.  I was choosing to let my thoughts run wild instead of stopping and seeing this person for who they are in Truth, a beautiful child of God, just like me.

Now my work begins. I choose to see this person anew.  I choose to observe what, in me, is reacting to this person. Am I jealous because they do or say things I wish I could?  What is it that I think they have that I don’t?  Do I think they are trying to take away my good? This step can take some time to discern, but it is an important step in overcoming my reactions.  If I get a glimmering of why I am reacting I create denials and affirmations to help me overcome my reactions. “No one can take my good from me, my Source is God the Good.” “There is infinite Supply and I am in the flow always.”

Now, because my mind finds what I focus on, I choose to focus on all the good things I can find about this person. (Lord knows, up until this time I had laser like focus on the “bad”).  If I have any resistance, I may start with the small things, “I really like their shoelaces.”  (Don’t laugh, it works!)  Then as my resistance goes away, I work my way up to the things that I couldn’t see before.  “They have a caring heart, or they are so kind to their fellow students. “

I have used this technique many times (yes, I am a slow learner.) Happily, my process is getting much faster now.  I am able to discern more quickly what I am doing to myself and I begin the transformation in my mind before all my reasons not to like this person get fully entrenched in my mind.

“I create my life by how I choose to think, feel and believe.”  is a very handy tool to have around.   Remembering this Principle, I hold the power to restore a sense of peace in my world.

BlogA Small Bite of Unity, Using the Principles in Everyday Life Pt. 2