Transformation? Yes, Please!

You may have heard it before, but it bears repeating. Change happens. It is inevitable. The natural state of the Universe is dynamic, not static. Even though we can rely on certain processes and natural states in the Universe to be relatively stable in order to anchor...

Let There Be Light

In Unity teachings, the creative power of the Word, or Logos, is foundational. Everything that comes into being, or is made manifest in our lives, is the effect and consequence of the words we speak. The words we speak are the extension of the thoughts and feelings we...

On The Wings Of Forgiveness

This coming Sunday, April 29, Rev. Brian and Rev. Kristen launch a new 6-week Sunday talk series, under the banner of “The Courage To Soar,” which is the theme for the second quarter of the UCOH Community’s year-long spiritual journey, “The...

The Courage To Soar

As the UCOH community moves into the second quarter of our year-long journey together, under the banner of “The Courage To Imagine,” we begin to shift our thematic focus from the “courage to come from within” to the “courage to soar.” “The Courage To...

Divine Order Is Always In Divine Order

As we near the end of March, I am reminded that the UCOH community is almost complete with the first quarter in “The Courage To Imagine” year-long spiritual journey we are experiencing together. In the first quarter, our main theme has been “The Courage To Come From...

The Greatest Love Of All

This is the final week in the 5-Part “Healed” series that Revs. Brian and Kristen have been presenting, which has also been the basis of the Spirit Group meetings over the past month. This past Sunday in Rev. Brian’s talk on healing our...