Dear Family,

A number of you have written me or spoken to me to share your story of giving the gift to yourself and those around you of a more peaceful you in this Season! Bless you for your willingness to embody a deeper peace.

As we move along in this time of Advent, this Sunday and in the week that follows, we bring our attention to Love – the Love of our Creator evidenced by the gift of our Wayshower, Jesus, who came to reveal the Christ dwelling in all of us, to put us in touch with this Love, the essence of our Essence! It will be a gift to see you on Sunday, to experience your love and to love you, Precious Child of God.

Merry Christmas,

Rev. Steve

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Unity Church of the Hills, December 14, 2014 Meditation from Unity Church of the Hills on Vimeo.


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2014-12-14 Sermon from Unity Church of the Hills on Vimeo.


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  • I rejoice in the knowing that God is with me always, in all ways!
  • Today, I celebrate the power of Love moving in and through my life!
  • With a lighter heart and a gentler mind, I fully enjoy this blessed season.
  • Filled with faith and peace and love, I am healed and prospered.
  • Thank You, Loving God, for Your enduring and bountiful gifts!


Bulletin 12-14-2014


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Sunday Service MediaThe Gospel in One Word, Dec. 14, 2014