Dear Friends,

Many of us are marinating in the loving, powerful energy of StoweGood’s Concert on Wednesday night. Stowe Dailey and Karen Taylor-Good touched us so deeply. They ended their program with the song, “Nothing Is Impossible!” Indeed, “with God all things are possible!” There is challenge in the world – in our neighborhoods in Central Texas, in nearby Ferguson, Missouri, in the faraway Middle East and in many other places on our planet. Our hearts go out to those so deeply affected by such chaos and loss – wherever they are.

This Sunday, our dear Brother, John Davidson, will bring the message, “Be the Spark That Ignites the World” in the Celebration Services. “JD” is a gifted speaker, author and successful entrepreneur with a heart and a smile that brings light to our world. He will remind us in a powerful and creative way of how that spark lives in us and can make such a difference in the world. Please join us.

With abiding love for you,

Rev. Steve


[wptab name=’Meditation’]

2014-08-24 meditation from Unity Church of the Hills on Vimeo.


[wptab name=’Sermon’]

Sermon August 24, 2014 with John Davidson from Unity Church of the Hills on Vimeo.


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[wptab name=’Bulletin and Affirmations’]


bulletin aug 24 2014


  • The Light of God shines in and through me.
  • I am an open-hearted, positive, uplifting force in the world.
  • I accept everyone and everything as a miracle.
  • I am receptive to new ideas and possibilities, as I release old, limiting imprints.
  • I express and receive love, knowing that the spark of the Divine is within me.


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Sunday Service MediaBe the Spark that Ignites the World, August 24, 2014