Dear Friends:

Winter begins this Sunday! I find it interesting that at the very time when Winter begins on this side of the equator, that our hearts are most open, prompted by the Seasons of Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa. While winter is often associated with the frozen tundra farther north of Central Texas, it is generally accepted as a time of rest and reflection – when bears and bulbs hibernate so when Spring arrives, they will be ready to come forth. A long winter’s nap is sounding pretty good right now.

This fourth Sunday of Advent is about Joy. And we will be looking at joy a little differently in the lesson – the kind of joy that is deeply rooted in our hearts, accessible to us in apparent ways and also in less apparent ways, in the face of “less than joyful” circumstances. Jesus is the perfect model for this kind of Spirit-filled joy. And what more perfect time than Winter’s beginning to remember this and let its remembrance bring rest AND rejuvenation to our lives!

Merry Christmas Precious Ones

Rev. Steve


[wptab name=’Meditation’]

2014-12-21 meditation from Unity Church of the Hills on Vimeo.


[wptab name=’Sermon’]

2014-12-21 Sermon from Unity Church of the Hills on Vimeo.


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[wptab name=’Affirmation and Bulletin’]


  • I recognize, embody and reveal the divine nature of pure Love!
  • This Christmas Season, I enthusiastically receive and open the gift of joy!
  • From the depths of my soul, I radiate this joy into the world!
  • A powerful realization of peace and harmony, health and wholeness is mine today!
  • In all things, I give thanks to You, God.


Bulletin 12-21-2014


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Sunday Service MediaSpirit-Centered Joy, December 21, 2014