Date: Saturdays, beginning August 24 thru September 28  from  10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. 

Cost: $15 per session  or $75 per the Series  Register Online

In light of recent Messages on reincarnation, Carey Bracewell, a UCOH Chaplain, has stepped up to provide a six-weeks series on the connection of astrology to one’s spiritual path in this lifetime. This class is designed to allow participants to work on their own birth chart, which is a template for understanding the soul’s choice of personality characteristics. Focusing on basics in this series, participants look for the key factors of spiritual growth. Once the participant’s computer-generated chart is done, then he or she will know the spiritual path–their Nodes–that they are to follow in this lifetime for success and fulfillment. Astrologers take into account the positions of the ten planets, their angular relationships, and other factors, which will be discussed in this initial series. No special math or computer skills are needed. However, participants need to bring their exact time and place of birth, which can be found on a birth certificate or some other reliable document, in order to cast their chart by computer in class.

The reading includes the following books:  Astrology for the Soul (by Jan Spiller), The Astrologer’s Handbook (Sakoian and Acker), and The Rising Sun: Your Astrological Mask (Jeanne Avery). Please RSVP with Carey at to order class handouts. Register online for the series. Mr. Bracewell has taught in the collegiate levels and was in corporate America until his retirement.

Saturdays, beginning August 24 thru September 28 — 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.  — $15 per session/$75 per series

UncategorizedSpiritual Astrology – August 24