The Revealing Word

In the Revealing Word, by Charles Fillmore, he tells us that “I AM” is our Spiritual Identity, our Christ Mind. The “I AM” is the metaphysical name of our spiritual self, as distinguished from our human self.   So what is your great “I AM?”

Do you hear yourself speaking throughout your day,” I AM tired of this…  I AM sick and tired.  I AM so mad.  I AM…..”

Our words have power, and words and phrases used over and over again during our day have a way of shaping our days and our entire lives.

Remember Unity Principle number 3?  We create our lives by how we choose to think, feel and believe.  Letting our words spill from our mouths without thinking is a way we create our lives.  Not a great way to create our lives, but it is creating none the less.  When thoughts are left unbridled, we tend to invite situations in our lives that feel unbridled!  A little introspection of our thoughts and words can go a long way to bringing peace into your daily lives.

I watch my thoughts and words carefully.  I no longer say to myself or my husband, “Boy I AM tired!”  I do not want to associate being tired with my Spiritual Identity!  I was tired before, tired and drained.  I felt as though I had used up all my reserves for energy and vitality.  Well, no wonder!  I was directing my spirit to be tired all the time.  I was asking my infinite power source to throttle back, WAY BACK!  I was limiting myself and my reserves because I wasn’t paying attention to the words that were swirling around in my head each and every day.

I now use my words more creatively.  Instead of saying, “Boy, I am tired,” I will say, “Wow, what a day, I think I will take a nap.”  There is no judgment, just a neutral observation and a little self-care.  Instead of saying, “I AM so mad,” I will say, “Huh, that was interesting.”

Changing my language has helped me make enormous shifts in my life.  I invite you this week to watch your thoughts and language.  See where you may be limiting your good, just by speaking words that no longer fit who you want to be.  Have fun with it!

My Great I AM’s are now: I AM so grateful.  I AM  happy.  I AM energized.  I AM open to receive.

BlogWhat is Your Great I AM?