Holographic Sound Healing Workshop, Level 1 (August 6-7) & Level 2 (8-9)

The purpose of these programs, led by Paul Hubbert, is to share and awaken revolutionary sound/ music vibration techniques and raise individual and collective vibrational levels of consciousness through this ancient/ new science of “Holographic Sound Healing”. These courses are open to everyone and may be particularly helpful to facilitators and practitioners who are seeking ways to initiate or enhance their own individual healing practice or modality.

For specific times of attendance and for required pre-registration, contact Paul Hubbert, 512-659-0069 orInfo@HolographicSound.com.

See schedule at www.holographicsound.com/calendar.html.

Thursday – Sunday, August 6 – 8 — Level 1 ($244); Level 2 ($244

UncategorizedHolographic Sound Healing Workshop, Levels 1&2 Aug 6-9