
Date: Thursdays, October 2nd to 23rd
Time: 7:00 to 8:30 p.m.
Cost: $60 (Series)/ $20 (Per Class at the door)
On Thursdays in October 2014 from 7-8:40 PM

Register online

Transcendence is more than going within. It is a supreme process of an enlightening experience(s). Lord Buddha became enlightened after his own illumination of exhilarating messages from God. Of course, he sat in a courtyard and waited for the voice of God. During that illuminating time, he began TRANSCENDENCE which passes the peace of understanding.

Jesus taught Transcendence, as well as, Ascension. He walked his talk. He captured many people with his motivation and transcendent demeanor. Thus, many of the messages during our classes on Transcendence will be from Jesus himself.

1. Meaningful and important depictions will be forthcoming as you begin to proceed with a certain amount of Transcendence.
2. Be aware that there are higher energies that will be flowing through you.
3. Unusual frequencies will beam through your crown vortexing.
4. Catapulting energy is about to explode through your etheric body making it possible to become more transcendent.
5. Create a new and wonderful you.
6. More dynamic and fluid energy for the rest of your life as you continue to live in a transcendent way.
7. Use Jesus as an example. For he was the most transcendent of all.

Those who complete the 4 classes will be presented with a beautiful certificate, receive a picture of their highest (or next highest) master/angel and will learn so much about who is assisting them from the other side.

UncategorizedTranscendence, Oct 2