Care Communities Training on Saturday, October 19 at 9:00 a.m. to 12: 00 p.m.
Cost: Free
Roger Temme, Director of Volunteer Recruitment for Care Communities, is now part of the new UCOH Care Team, and is conducting his next training session on October 19 at 9:00 a.m. Care Communities provides Care Teams for persons living with HIV/AIDS or cancer. The Care Team consists of three to six persons, “volunteer families,” matched with a client. The team provides companionship, as well as, practical support such as, yard work or transportation to medical appointments, the food bank and grocery store. Volunteers provide at least five hours per month. If you signed up recently to volunteer or wish to be part of this team, please RSVP by calling Roger at (512) 459-5883. The orientation will include information on how the Care Team works. Donuts, fruit and juice will be provided.

UncategorizedCare Communities Training October 19