Dear Friends,

One week from today, Thursday, October 24, is Global Oneness Day on Planet Earth. Of course, our individual and collective work in consciousness is to experience Oneness every day! This Sunday, the Lesson title is “Global Coherence.” In it, I will be referring to The Global Coherence Initiative, “a science-based, co-creative project to unite people in heart-focused care and intention, to facilitate the shift in global consciousness from instability and discord to balance, cooperation and enduring peace.” You can learn more about the Initiative by visiting

The essence of the Unity teaching is our Oneness with God and with each other. This is the life and light-giving concept that is central to the model and teachings of our Wayshower, Jesus the Christ. This “Journey of Coherence” Series is focused on helping us bring forth this powerful idea into our own lives, our society and the world. Thank you for being a part of it.

With Love,

Rev. Steve

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2013-10-20 Sermon from Unity Church of the Hills on Vimeo.


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  1. Thankfully, I am one with the One!
  2. From my loving heart, I bless the world.
  3. Laughter and levity lift me out of the gravity of any experience!
  4. I am permanently prospered through my oneness in God!
  5. With true gratitude, I let it be!


October 20, 2013 Bulletin


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Sunday Service MediaGlobal Coherence October 20, 2013