Line Dancing 

Date: Wednesdays, Beginning January 8 to February 5, 2014

Time: 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. 

Cost: $25 (5 Weeks) / $10 (per session)    Register online

If you know line-dance step terminology and have participated in at least one course such as Line Dance 101 or 102, this is the course for you. High Beginner, Improver and Intermediate dances are presented in this 5-week series by Pat Watson ( Dancing makes one stronger physically and mentally. Come enjoy! Class limited to 24 participants.

 Wednesdays, Beginning January 8 to February 5, 2014—10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.  —$25 (5 Weeks) / $10 (per session)   

UncategorizedLine Dancing – Jan 8