Dear Friends,

This Sunday is the 3rd in our Adventures in Faith and the subject is the Christ in you. We are richly blessed in the 9:25AM and 11:25 Services to have Arun Gandhi, grandson of Mahatma Gandhi and Bethany Hegedus, co-author of their new book, Grandfather Gandhi, join us. Each of them will share briefly during our traditional meditation time. My lesson title, “Living the Light of the Christ,” was inspired by the final words in the book, “I did my best to live my life as light.” It is a great gift to have Arun return to UCOH after many years. This Sunday will be complete with you here.

With great Love,

Rev. Steve   

[wptab name=’Arun Gandhi’]

Gandhi – hegedus from Unity Church of the Hills on Vimeo.


[wptab name=’Sermon’]

2014-10-26 Sermon from Unity Church of the Hills on Vimeo.


[wptab name=’Audio’]

Arun Gandhi and Bethany Hegedus



[wptab name=’Affirmations and Bulletin’]


  • In the stillness of the silence of Spirit, I find peace.
  • In this peace, I am remembering I am a channel of God’s love.
  • In this peace, I am remembering my indwelling Christ Nature.
  • “I do my best to live my life as light.”
  • Thank You Loving God for so many blessings.


Bulletin Insert 102614


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Sunday Service MediaLiving the Light of the Christ, November 26, 2014