“What is New Thought?” the movie.

Jon Miller, producer of this documentary, set on a course to connect with others to share his “positive music.” His quest opened up for him the field of New Thought, which led him to develop the revealing story about New Thought including interviews with over 30 New Thought teachers and speakers.

The movie helps explain the basic principles, history, and practical use of this philosophy, which regardless of previous religious practices, can create a more positive and prosperous way of life. Create magic and miracles by learning from the best such as Miracle Coach, Joe Vitale, and Unity Minister, Rev. Sky St. John.

Learn more at newthoughtmovie.

Friday, September 27—7:00 to 9:00 p.m. —$5 Suggested Love Offering  Register Online

Here is the movie trailer:


UncategorizedSpiritual Cinema: “What is New Thought?” – Sept 27