Dear Friends,

Thank you for being a part of our Church! I love that, as a nation, we set aside a specific day for giving thanks; we have so much to be grateful for! And, it’s relatively easy for our minds to go there when things are going well. Not typically so, when they are not, and that’s the rub. When we least feel like expressing gratitude with our words or making a list, however we do it–IF we do it, and stay with it, things begin to look different. The ego loses its “hold,” and our spirits naturally begin to rise. We are better equipped to handle whatever is there for us to deal with, see through, heal.

Sometimes, when we are down, or seem to be “in neutral,” the last thing we want to do is go hang out at church or another place that inspires us. But what I know to be true is that, when that resistance is moved through, there is light that inevitably comes. This Sunday’s lesson is “The Ultimate State of Receivership.” That is the description that Dr. Joe Dispenza offers for “gratitude.” It is arguably one of the most potent spiritual tools we have at our disposal – 24/7/365!

Happy Thanksgiving Beloved,
Rev. Steve

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1. I am forever and ever at peace in the Heart of God.

2. This life that God has given me is immortal and free!

3. Deep gratitude for the good in my life, fills my mind and my heart!

4. I joyfully choose to live fully in the present!

5. Thank You Mother-Father God for the Truth that sets me free!

2013-11-24 Bulletin



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Sunday Service MediaThe Ultimate State of Receivership – November 24, 2013