Update on Minister Search Process

Dear Ones, I wanted to connect with you all, as a lot has transpired over the past month.  As everyone is aware, our beloved Minister Emeritus Rev. Steve Bolen finished his three-month commitment as a temporary Interim Minister at the end of June.  We are so...

Board Nominations

Dear UCOH Family, The Unity Church of the Hills Nominating Team would like your suggestions for candidates to fill three Board seats that will be open later this year: Three three-year terms. Board Members are elected at our annual meeting which takes place in...

Prayer for Healing of Racism

There is One God, One Presence, One Power that is the Defining Presence in All of Life. This Presence Permeates and Embraces All of Life, All that we know and All that we do not know. I know that I am one with this One Life, One with this Power and that my Mind and...

Important Update – 06.26.20

Unfortunately due to the surge of Covid-19 illness in the Austin area, we are suspending all public events on campus in an effort to help keep our community safe. Additionally, we have learned that Mayor Adler is expected to announce this weekend that gatherings...

Special Announcement: Important Ministry Update

On June 7, 2020 Interim Minister Candidate, Dr. Ras Smith, presented the Sunday message and answered questions during our Meet the Minister segment following the Service. We then provided an opportunity for everyone to provide their thoughts. Thank you so much for...

Reopening Unity Church of the Hills

Important Update – 06.26.20 Unfortunately due to the surge of Covid-19 illness in the Austin area, we are suspending all public events on campus in an effort to help keep our community safe. Additionally, we have learned that Mayor Adler is expected to announce...
News & Announcements